The Delusional Rants of A Miserable Bastard - Blogged

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Great Facepalm: The Farce of 21st Century Normality

So, it's been a long time, but my book is finally available for sale. Most of the posts on this site were deleted as this was merely a testing ground for my book, a platform to hone the work into a chiseled, finished product. So....without further ado.

The Great Facepalm: The Farce of 21st Century Normaliy

"Have you ever taken a long, hard look at today's society, slapped your hand over your face, and wondered how we've made it this far as a species?

In The Great Facepalm: The Farce of 21st Century Normality, author Phillip McCarron recounts the sordid state of our culture, observing how society has begun to parody its own preposterous stereotypes as it plummets to the same grisly end as the fallen civilizations of yesteryear. Through a blend of brazen humor and philosophical insight, humanity’s corrosive tendencies are made readily apparent. 

Touching on the more superficial matters in life such as the absurdity of today's bar scene, soulless fame-junkies, and our toxic obsession with social media, the author provides an amusing commentary on our deluded self-image and the gross compulsion to over-share our over-hyped achievements. Delving into the more grievous issues plaguing our society, he also weighs in on political dysfunction, the American healthcare fiasco, the indignity of shameless consumerism, and the growing disconnect between education and employment. 

This collection of articles offers up the unique perspective of one man’s observations, musings, and opinions on the ridiculousness of everyday life. Analyzing hot-button social issues, to which we can all relate, and exposing the follies of an all-too-familiar cast of characters, it skirts the line between hilarious and grim, as the tragedy of reality is as manic as it is depressing. So prepare to have your belief systems probed, your sense of humor stretched to the limit, and your snow globe smashed with sledgehammer on an enlightening journey through the world’s fractured collective psyche."

Support an author and buy my book.